Programs for Schools
Mindfulness and Positive Psychology based programs provide children the skills, practice and support to utilise coping strategies that lessen the symptoms of anxiety and stress. They provide our next generation lifelong skills for better mental health for long term into their teen and adult years.
Peaceful Kids is a NSW Department of Education Accredited External Wellbeing Provider.
Choose from one of our programs below or call to discuss tailored options.
Peaceful Kids Program
Duration: 8 weeks
Session length: One hour
Session size: Groups of 6
Ages: 7 - 13 years
The Peaceful Kids program includes a range of mindfulness strategies, positive psychology exercises, mindful movement and a guided meditation practice to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children.
Topics covered include feelings, coping strategies, positive thoughts, effects of worrying on the brain and body, what we worry about, journaling, gratitude, problem solving, kindness and compassion. We recommend parental commitment to supporting the strategies at home.
- Lessen symptoms of anxiety and stress in children
- Teaches children to self-calm
- Empowers children to manage their own anxiety
- Develops emotional intelligence skills
- Teaches children life-long skills to manage stress and prevent stress build up
- Supports children so they know that they are not alone with suffering from anxiety
Peaceful Kids - Chill Out Kids
Duration: 8 weeks (5 weeks for one-on-one)
Session length: One hour
Session size: Groups of 12
Ages: 7 - 13 years
In our Chill Out Kids sessions, children learn essential mindfulness skills to reduce stress, improve attention and improve emotional intelligence. Every session includes a range of mindfulness and positive psychology strategies, craft and a guided meditation.
Topics include mindfulness, emotions, strengthening our brain, positive thoughts, nourishing ourselves, being present, training our attention, body sensations when worried, self-talk, breathing exercises and gratitude.
- Teaches children mindfulness exercises
- Lessen symptoms of anxiety and stress
- Empowers children to self-regulate & self calm
- Helps children be more engaged in learning
- Develops emotional intelligence skills
- Empowers children to self-manage stress
- Teaches children life-long skills to manage stress and prevent stress build up
- Help children to better understand themselves and what stress can do to their body and brain
- Normalises anxiety and worry
- Teaches children how to train their attention
- Increase positive emotions.

Peaceful Kids Transition to School
Duration: 5 weeks
Session length: 45 minutes
Session size: Groups of 6
Ages: 4 - 5 years
The Peaceful Kids Preschool or Transition to School program includes a range of mindfulness strategies, breathing exercises, craft, story time and meditation to assist children with a range of tools to manage their nerves as they transitionto school and beyond.
Topics include feelings, mindfulness, belly breathing, puppy mind, nourishing ourselves, how worry can feel in our body, how to calm our mind, kindness and compassion.

- Teaches children and parents mindfulness exercises
- Develops emotional intelligence skills
- Lessen symptoms of anxiety and worry
- Teaches children to self-calm
- Introduces life-long skills to manage stress & worry
- Empowers children to self-regulate
- Introduction into meditation
- Learn breathing techniques to use when worried, scared or upset
- Empowers children to manage worries
- Develop social skills during sessions with children the same age.
Peaceful Kids is a NSW Department of Education Accredited External Provider.
Mayhem to Mindful Pty Ltd is a NSW Department of Education approved vendor.
The Peaceful Kids program is endorsed by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) and Beyond Blue-Be You.
It is an evidence-based program and all of the strategies in the program are based on evidence-based research from Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program (MBSR), Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (MiBCT), Positive Psychology and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
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